Underneath the Christmas Tree by Heidi Swain

Liza Wynter loves being a high school art teacher, running after school clubs and helping her students find their way. But life has other plans. Newly redundant and with her 30th birthday looming, she decides to take a risk: a new adventure on a path she walked a long time ago, following her feet back to her family home in Wynmouth.

Her Christmas-loving parents established a Christmas tree farm in the village, celebrating the whole month long and making teenaged Liza the envy of all her friends. But following dreams comes at a price, and Liza has long since lost her Christmas spark.
After the worst Christmas of them all, she’s kept her distance from her former home. Her new plans don’t match up with those of caretaker Ned’s, but can they work together to keep her family’s popular farm going? Will returning give her back some of the Christmas spirit that she used to love so much and help her find a new direction?